Why should I learn Math?
Why should I learn this? A common question Math teachers face worldwide. I think it is a valid question. And most of the time the answer is that you need it in future. It is not really a convincing answer but we usually go with it. 🙂
I forced myself to think about it a bit more. Many times I do or teach or learn Math just for the sake of it. I like solving a puzzle or a sudoku. It gives certain kind of pleasure to me. When I tell this to my life partner, her response is like “Really?” She doesn’t get the fun or pleasure part of it. As a teacher I am continuing the conversation with her to show the excitement in finding a pattern or solving a puzzle etc. May be, she will see it in the future; may be 🙂
The second reason for learning/doing math is for specialized knowledge. For me it is to teach high school Math. I learn more and more about it so that I can bring more insights and perspective to it. An Engineer learn math to do engineering projects. An accountant learn math to take care of accounting related work. A mathematician learn Math to create new Math or to help a Physicist creating Math models of natural phenomenon. etc.
the 3rd reason for learning Math is to take care of life. Personal finance, buying equity shares, to calculate if the discount offered is worth or not. To calculate how many hours of work you are putting to do the chores at home and hence what is the monetary worth of it. etc.
The 4th could be to create art. We can use simple circles to create beautiful patterns. If you look at any ancient traditions( Indian, Arabic, Mayan etc.), there are beautiful art created using basic geometry. The possibility is immerse there.
The 5th reason could be to understand human history. To understand, analyze, critique, and take action regarding important social and political issues in our world, especially issues of injustice. As I read somewhere, Algebra was originated to solve the problem of sharing ancestral property among daughters and sons. Sons get double the share of daughters. There were Mathematicians in the Arabic world to help people to do this. It is amazing to see the origin of a branch of Math is from the context of gender inequality. Most of the time I teach algebra, this story is shared and we talk about feminism.
If we are able to talk and do all these things in our class room, learning Math is more meaningful and connected to life. At this point if we tell a student that this may need it for future she may be more receptive of the answer 🙂
Read it here : Why should I learn Math? — Math box